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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Have you used Quora to drive traffic to your business?

Why Should you Use Quora?

reprint from Nicolo Grossi
online entrepreneur use Quora for self-promotion
Long gone are the days of having to put up promotional posters around town. Now you can get creative with how you promote your business online. Case in point: Use Quora to answer questions and increase traffic to your business.
Here below you will discover..

4 Good Reasons to Use Quora

  1. It improves your SEO rankings.

  2. One of your goals as a business owner is to drive people to your website so they become a customer or make a repeat purchase. When someone clicks a link from a website, not a search engine, it’s called referral traffic. The great thing about referral traffic is that you aren’t just getting a potential customer’s eyes on your site – you are also boosting your SEO. Google and other search engines rank websites higher when people come to them from trusted websites like Quora.
    Google policy on backlinks
  3. It lets you control your personal brand.

  4. Use your Quora profile as a public version of your resume and don’t be shy about tooting your own horn. Fill out your credentials including details about your business, education, location, and topics you know well. Include a number of topics that are relevant to your industry and explain why you are an expert, like the fact that you’ve designed more than 100 logos in two years. Your name, title, and specialty will be the first thing that shows up when you answer a question, so it’s a good elevator pitch to entice people to upvote your answers.
    Quora profile tagline
  5. It makes you a thought leader.

  6. You will be seen as an expert if you answer questions in your niche. Discover the right questions to answer by following people and topics that are relevant to your business, so you are aware of the conversation and can join in. Quora will make recommendations for you, so that you can spend more time answering and less time searching for questions to answer. If you are a wedding photographer, for example, follow topics including photography, event planning, weddings, dating and relationships, wedding photography, and wedding planning.
    quora question suggestion
    You can’t answer all the questions in your niche – there may be hundreds or thousands a day. Focus on answering a healthy mix of popular questions that may be featured in the Quora newsletter and people’s feeds, less popular questions, and ones where you can be one of the first people to respond. When you choose a question that’s less popular but you provide a stellar answer or you are one of the first to answer, you will likely have the most upvotes so everyone who views the question will see your response.
  7. It drives traffic to your site, if you do it correctly.

  8. Morgan Timm, a content marketer at the online course platform Teachable and blogger at Mostly Morgan found that traffic to both of her sites increased exponentially when she switched from writing short answers to writing detailed answers backed by sources and ending them with a strong call-to-action. She recommends rounding off your posts with something like: “If you’re looking to take it to the next level you can find out more here.”
    Timm shared a few other secrets. She says you can increase visibility by adding visuals like charts and images because they will make your answers stand out. Contribute to Quora trending topics when it makes sense for your business and write answers early in the morning or late at night because that’s when people have downtime to search the web. Timm also says that you can increase traffic to your profile and website by answering questions consistently. That way people will see you as an active voice in your niche and they’ll be more likely to click your profile, read through a large archive of other questions you’ve answered, and head to your site to find out more.
Another benefit to using Quora to market your business, according to Timm? Many Google searches will rank Quora questions and answers on the first page – and isn’t everyone’s marketing goal the prized first page of Google?
quora organic results
  • TAGS
  • content marketing
  •  SEO
  •  social media

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

What is The Best Days to Buy at Walmart

Is Walmart your go-to grocery store? Discover the best days to buy your favorite products & save even more money every week.
We took a close look at Walmart’s weekly prices of popular products, and how they vary by time of the week. Based off of our findings, we suggest buying things like milk and produce earlier in the week. Save the wine purchases for Friday (and an excuse to have a happy hour). For a complete look at our findings, take a look at the infographic below:

What day of the week do you usually hit the store? Based on the findings above, you may want to switch up your routine and stretch your dollar further. Plus, don’t forget to check Ibotta before every trip for 100’s of available offers, and earn cash back on every purchase. Learn More

Credit reprinted from

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

HEY Snag a Free $10 Gift Card

HEY Snag a Free $10 Gift Card

Work from home
JGalione/Getty Images

One of our favorite ways to save is with Ebates, a cash-back site that rewards you nearly every time you buy something. For example, Ebates gives you 10% cash-back on purchases at Walmart.
Plus you’ll get a free $10 gift card to Walmart for giving the site a try.
To earn your gift card:
  1. Sign up for Ebates with your email or Facebook account.
  2. Use the Ebates portal the next time you need to buy something. It’s connected to thousands of stores, including Walmart, Amazon and Target. You’ll need to make your first purchase through the site within 90 days and spend at least $25.
  3. Your account will be credited with rewards points you can cash in for your $10 Walmart gift card.

Free Amazon Kindle Books

BookBub features a selection of the best free Kindle books in over twenty genres, from New York Times bestsellers to hidden gems. You can read these free ebooks on your Kindle ereader, or on any of Amazon's free Kindle reading apps for your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Check out some of the free Kindle books that are available today:

Born before 1969? Claim these 13 SENIOR Benefits you may not know exist



Senior citizens are eligible for many special discounts only available to those 65 and older. Discounts for retirees can be found at most restaurants, hotels, and retailers, but there is one catch: they usually aren’t offered unless YOU ASK for them.
Start asking restaurants, stores, and other venues “do you offer a senior discount?”. You’d be surprised at how much you can save if you simply ask!
Check out our list of 13 discounts seniors can get only if they ask about them in 2018. You can read about them here, and click the links provided to take advantage of these special discounts. Continue reading...

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Monday, June 11, 2018

TVision, PPV and Cash - Life doesn't get any better!